Thursday, 12 December 2013

Download SWAT 4 Full Version For PC

Kali ini jst4share kembali untuk share sebuah game bergenre FPS.. Game ini bernama SWAT 4, Game ini mempunyai grafis yang cukup baik, sehingga sangat nyaman untuk dimainkan
SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate builds on the original game's tactical action with new levels, new multiplayer modes, and hot new gear for your team. Crime is on the rise. More guns and drugs are appearing on the streets and the city is in crisis. SWAT is called in to take on a series of disturbances that eventually lead them to the root of the problem, an eastern European crime family that has taken up residence in the city. A final showdown will place legendary SWAT tactics against the most dangerous and ruthless criminals yet, the Stetchkov syndicate.Within the city, crisis and turmoil are an everyday, every second occurrence. When ordinary means of law enforcement are not an option, there is a group that is called upon to dole out justice to those that believe they are above the law. This highly-regarded and specially trained unit is SWAT. In SWAT 4, you are the element leader of an authentic Special Weapons and Tactics team within the big city where danger looms large.
SWAT 4: DEL4-NEJ4-NEB7-ZAM8-6784 as the serial.

System Requirements :
OS : Windows Xp,Vista, 7 and 8
Intel 4.1.0 GHz Processor
Ram : 1 GB
Hard Disk : 3 GB
Keyboard and Mouse


Total Size : 900 MB
Size Part 1 - 4 : 190 MB
Size Part 5 : 130 MB

Link Download Via Upafile :

Cara Install :
1. Extract File di sembarang tempat
2. Jika part 01 telah ter wxtract, maka otomatis semua part akan terextract
3. Jalankan setup.exe
4. Copy-paste file di dalam crack

Uploader : M. Naufal Widad
Follow : @mnaoefal
Keep Visit :


  1. g bisa di install. file-nya corrupt...
    apa ada yang salah ??

    1. link ini sudah saya test.. dan file nya pun tidak ada yang corrupt
      mohon maaf bila terdapat ketidaknyamanan nya ^^

  2. thanks for visiting my blog... keep visit and enjoy it ^^
